Why The Split House Twist Is Good For Big Brother (Spoilers)

2022-08-27 07:32:30 By : Ms. Annie Chang

The Big Brother 24 Split House twist is spicing the game up after two decades. This spoiler post features information about the game element.

Warning: This post contains SPOILERS!!!!

After over two decades on the air, Big Brother can sometimes get a bit repetitive, but the brand new Split House twist is good for the show, the houseguests, and the fans. For the first time in BB history, the houseguests are currently divided into two groups. They're playing two separate and simultaneous games, with no contact with each other. In an unprecedented twist, one group is playing inside the Big Brother house, while the other is playing outside.

Michael Bruner won the Head of Household (HOH) competition and became the leader of the indoor Big Brochella game, choosing Brittany Hoopes, Jasmine Davis, Monte Taylor, and Taylor Hale for his group. Terrance came in second, and is the head of the outdoor Dyre Fest group, which includes his selections, Alyssa Snider, Joseph Abdin, Kyle Capener, and Matt "Turner" Turner.

Related: Big Brother 24: How The Split House Twist Can Impact The Leftovers (Spoilers)

These two separate Big Brother games split up the dominant seven-person The Leftovers alliance, made up of Michael, Brittany, Monte, Taylor, Joseph, Turner, and Kyle. Michael nominated Monte and Jasmine for eviction, with Jasmine as his target. Terrance nominated Joseph and Turner for eviction, keeping "showmance" members Kyle and Alyssa safe after Kyle revealed The Leftovers alliance to him, in an attempt to save himself. Brittany won the veto for Big Brochella, while Terrance won the veto for Dyre Fest. This twist will culminate in a double eviction at the end of the week.

The Split House twist is good for Big Brother. It has been very refreshing to see the show live up to its "expect the unexpected" motto. Each year, the houseguests and fans look forward to the classic competitions, such as OTEV, Rewards and Punishments, and the Wall Competition. However, these are games that have become so well-known that the houseguests anticipate them before they even enter the house. During the BB 24 Wall Competition, Alyssa said that she used to practice the game as a child, in a makeshift version that she and her mom created. Although they could never replicate the actual competition, just knowing what to expect takes the suspense out of playing the game.

The Split House twist also shook up the traditional double eviction episode of Big Brother. The houseguests always know that they should expect a double eviction at some point during Big Brother, but this is a completely different way of doing it. Usually, double evictions have a week's worth of Big Brother in one night after the first eviction, but having two separate groups play two separate games is a welcome change. There was no way that the houseguests could prepare for such a twist.

Another reason that this Big Brother twist rejuvenated the game is because it separated the dominant alliance, The Leftovers. Although most fans really like the alliance, it can get boring watching one group steamroll through the season. In a typical week, Michael would have won HOH, and The Leftovers would have evicted another non-alliance member. However, by adding a second HOH, the other side of the house had a better chance at prevailing, and Terrance came through with the win.

Related: Big Brother: Why Houseguests Are Annoyed With The POV Winner (Spoilers)

Even though most fans do not want to see the demise of The Leftovers, watching them have to strategize more, instead of coasting through the game, has been very exciting for superfans. The new Split House twist is good for BB because it complicated the game in a fun way. Even though certain aspects of Big Brother are expected (and wanted by both the houseguests and fans), the last thing anyone wants is for the game to become predictable and boring. Although new twists, such as the Backstage Boss and Festie Besties, were also introduced this season, neither of them has shaken up the game as much as the Split House twist. It was a much-needed turn of events for Big Brother 24.

Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.

Lorianne Palinkas is a reality television writer for Screen Rant. After teaching middle school English for twenty years, she knows a thing or two about high drama, complicated alliances, and even singing competitions. Growing up in New York City gave her a solid foundation in the arts and culture. From the early days of reality TV with MTV's The Real World all the way to the most current seasons of The Bachelor franchise shows, Big Brother, Dancing with the Stars, and The Masked Singer, Lorianne has watched it all. She voted for Kelly Clarkson to win the first season of American Idol, witnessed Trista Rehn choose Ryan Sutter on the first season of The Bachelorette, and watched Kelly Monaco take home the first ever Dancing with the Stars Mirrorball Trophy. She has been completely obsessed with reality television ever since. Lorianne is always on the lookout for the next big thing in reality TV.