Kohei Nawa's gross and gorgeous 'Force' mesmerizes the senses | The Japan Times

2022-09-10 19:04:17 By : baihe yang

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In the world of artist Kohei Nawa, organic forms invariably become stylized and artificial. Nawa’s installation “Force,” on view at the Museum on Echigo-Tsumari (MonET) in Niigata, blurs the lines further.

The sculptor behind the popular PixCell deer sculptures has created a mesmerizing work that bewitches the senses. What look like drapes of thin black rope run floor to ceiling, seemingly primed to vibrate like strings on a harp. It takes a moment to comprehend the mechanics of the work: Is it static or dynamic? Solid or liquid? Are the lines fixed at the top and bottom, or does gravity run this show? The sound, too, confuses the viewer: Under the noise of a fan or some mechanical puppeteer comes the aural texture of something sticky.

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