The great thermostat debate hits Columbus - Axios Columbus

2022-08-08 18:40:40 By :

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Don't touch that dial.

Why it matters: Smart indoor climate control can save energy, money and is good for the planet. Plus, who doesn't love a good debate?

The big picture: Most of you prefer to keep the AC between 74-78°F during the day while many drop it at night.

Yes, but: Some of you drop the thermostat as low as 70, while others are without AC or set it as high as 82.

Between the lines: Lots of factors come into play, including home design, health conditions, income levels and the desire to be friendly to the environment. Or your roommates.

The bottom line: There's a lot of variation when it comes to what makes a comfortable climate — there's no "right" answer.

💡 Pro tip: It's more efficient to keep the AC running throughout the summer than to keep turning it off and on, the HVAC pros at Atlas Butler tell Axios. On hotter days, they recommend setting it to 75-80°F.

🥶 Alissa's thought bubble: Speaking of a good debate — thanks for bolstering my argument that our 72-degree household is a bit too chilly!

Andrew P.: "Seventy when we're home, 74 when we're away, 71 at night and 78 if we're on vacation."

Elizabeth B.: "Seventy three with a fan on. About perfect!"

Kelsey N.: "My husband and I actually do agree … we try to set it at a reasonable level (73-74) in an attempt to be a bit more environmentally conscious."

Nolan W.: ​​"Seventy-four degrees during the day. Seventy degrees at night. If gone for a day or two, 75 for the cat's comfort."

Della P.: "I like it warmer than most people … 77-78 all year."

Diane D.: "Seventy eight ... no debate, just me and dogs!"

Sue A.: "During the day, set at 80 ... 72 from bedtime until morning. I have a lot of trees and mostly live on the first floor, so the AC doesn't have to run a lot."

Fran B.: "Seventy five to 76 day and night, sometimes with a fan running."

Steve R.: "Seventy six in my north-south facing house, with a ceiling fan."

Trevin F.: "No central air in the house so the temperature is whatever the house settles to (currently 76)."

Heather M.: "Seventy-two degrees. Since at least one family member works from home, no reason to change based on time of day."

Deb Z.: "Seventy five. I live in a condo with lots of windows. I close the drapes and close all doors ... that are not used."

Clinton S.: "Seventy-four degrees."

Scott J.: "Seventy seven in our house (winter it's at 68)."

Rita W.: "Seventy seven to 78 at night, 80-82 during the day. Usually we turn off the AC in the morning and open windows. We can do this because we have a 1,100-square-foot ranch home."

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